Major Services

Market Intelligence

The size and depth of an enormous Indian market can be reliably tackled through our comprehensive data collection and interpretation, thus allowing decision makers to enter and expand their market share whilst establishing a distinct corporate identity.

Our pan-India presence, wide spread associate networks, and reliable tools provide accurate inputs to take informed business decisions. A balanced forecast of market trends also enables you to optimally use corporate resources and enhance your business model. Our research encompasses both qualitative and quantitative research, and ranges from focused desktop studies to comprehensive market surveys. We investigate and analyse business trends including short- and long-term forecasting, demand trends, government policies, and business sentiments to enable a clear appreciation of the emerging developments in the market.

Industry Analysis

Our detailed analysis of the market dynamics, key players, distribution strategies, and likely demand-supply scenarios offers a macro view of the sector and enables you to keep pace with the emerging trends in the business.

Product Feasibility Studies

We employ tools like sales logs, customer perception, and behavioural surveys and social media to test a new product concept or an idea and customise market strategies prior to its commercial launch.

Channel & Distribution

We study current distribution strategies adopted by companies to get a nuanced understanding of the market. We analyse these strategies and recommend ideal and efficient strategies that help our clients chart and navigate effective channel manage

Socio-Economic Studies

We undertake evaluation of social sector schemes and programmes funded by the government and foreign donors. These studies cover a wide range of sectors including health, rural development, education, drinking water, etc.

Managing Foreign
Business Delegations

We provide a one-stop solution to all the requirements of a business delegation, understanding their specific needs and assisting them incomprehending the market dynamics of the Indian market and facilitating sustainable cooperation with potential Indian partners.

Outbound Investment
Region Promotion

We represent foreign governments and local governments to attract investment there. Our role is to promote investment opportunities among businesses in India, facilitate links with prospective investors, and organise road shows and presentations to highlight opportunities in these markets.